The Society of Jewish Science Shabbat Service on Zoom only! 11/29/24 at 6:30pm

Wishing You and Your Loved Ones a Happy Thanksgiving!

Parshah Toldot 2024

This week’s Torah portion, “Toldot,” means “generations” or “history” and is found in Genesis 25:19.  After years of prayer, Rivka becomes pregnant with twins and G-d tells her that “there are two nations in your womb”, and that the younger will prevail over the elder.

Esau is born first with Jacob second, clutching Esau’s heel.  They are opposites, as Esau grows into a hunter and outdoorsman while Jacob becomes one who dwells in the tents of learning.  Isaac and Rivka are divided as parents.  Isaac favors Esau while Rivka favors Jacob.

One day, while exhausted and hungry from hunting, Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a pot of red lentil stew.  Then, Isaac, who was old and blind, wanted to bless Esau before he dies.  Rivka disguises Jacob as Esau and Jacob receives Esau’s blessing as the eldest.  When Esau discovers what Jacob did he cries to his father, Isaac, for a blessing for himself.  Esau vows to kill Jacob, so Jacob flees to Charan where Rivka’s  brother, Laban, lives.

  • This Torah portion is absolutely action packed.  There are many lessons and teachings for us.

  • What does it mean to have “two nations in your womb”?

  • Why does Esau sell his birthright?  What does that represent?

  • Why are Isaac and Rivka divided on how to raise their children?

  • What does that mean for us in our spiritual walk?

  • Please join us on Zoom and let’s get into it!

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