The Society of Jewish Science joins the New Synagogue of Long Island for Shabbat – 6/14/24 at 7pm (Hybrid Service)

Parshah Naso

This week’s Torah portion, “Naso,” means “Count” and is found in the  book of Numbers 4:22.  Here, G-d directs Moses to complete the headcount of the Children of Israel in the Sinai Desert.  There is a specific counting of the Levite men, between the ages of 30 and 50, who will be doing the work of transporting the Tabernacle.  Also, the High Priest Aaron, and his descendants, the kohanim, are taught how to bless the people of Israel.

In the wilderness, Naso (“to lift”) is used, in conjunction with the words et rosh (“the head”) to mean “to count.” Why does the Lord command us to “lift the head”?  Does it simply mean to count?  Is there a deeper meaning that we can apply to our daily lives?  Come join us and let’s get into it!

Zoom Link:

Phone: +1 646.558.8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 876 4228 0592

Passcode: 850868