Society of Jewish Science Shabbat Service 2/21/25 at 6:30pm – on Zoom only!

Parsahah Mishpatim

This week’s Parsahah, Mishpatim, means decrees and judgments that help maintain societal and communal justice.  The revelation of the Ten Commandments has just been revealed by G-d at Mt. Sinai.  Now, there are more detailed laws/mitzvot for the people to follow such as the treatment of indentured servants, addressing assaults, theft, kidnapping, and making loans as well as the treatment of foreigners, observing festivals, bringing agricultural offerings to the Holy Temple, and prayer.  The section regarding prayer talks about the L-rd preparing a place before us, guarding us from adversaries along the way, and asking us to “do all that I say.”  When we look at this portion that focuses on laws, decrees, and judgments, it almost seems as if “prayer” doesn’t belong in this section.  

  • Why was “prayer” placed in this section?

  • What does Jewish Science teach us about prayer?

  • Come join the discussion on how these relate to us!

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