Parshah Yitro
This week’s Torah portion is named after Moses’ father-in-law, “Yitro” (Exodus 18:1–20:23), who traveled to Moses after hearing of the great miracles that G-d performed when freeing the people of Israel from slavery. Yitro rejoiced in the deliverance and blessings of G-d, proclaimed G-d’s greatness, offered G-d sacrifices, and provided a feast for the elders of Israel. Seeing the burden on Moses as the leader, judge, and prophet of the Israelites, Yitro told Moses, “The burden is too heavy for you and the people.” He advises Moses to appoint courts and judges to assist him in administering justice to the people. The Israelites camp near Mount Sinai where they are told that G‑d has chosen them to be His “kingdom of priests” and “holy nation.” The people respond by proclaiming, “All that G-d has spoken, we shall do.” Then G-d proclaimed all of the Ten Commandments.
What does this portion have to teach us about relationships?
Also, what does this portion have to do with “chosenness”?
Come join the discussion on how these relate to us!
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