Society of Jewish Science Shabbat Service 1/24/25 at 6:30pm – In person and Zoom!

Parshah Va’era 2025

This week’s Torah portion, “Va’era,” means “and I appeared” and is found in Exodus 6:3.  We continue with Moses, who is back in Egypt, after G-d speaks to him from the burning bush.  Here G-d makes himself known to Moses, as Y-H-V-H, and uses “four expressions of redemption” to describe how he is interacting with the Israelites.  They are as follows:

1) G-d will bring Israel out of the suffering in Egypt

2) G-d will deliver Israel from slavery

3) G-d will save Israel with miracles

4) G-d will take Israel in relationship as his people.

Afterwards, G-d will bring Israel to the land which He promised to the Patriarchs as their eternal heritage.  Moses and his brother, Aaron, continually go before Pharaoh to express G-d’s demand, “Let My people go, so that they may serve Me in the wilderness.”  After Pharaoh repeatedly refuses, G-d sends a series of 7 plagues upon the Egyptians.  However, Pharaoh is unmoved and with “hardened heart” refuses to let the children of Israel go free.

  • Va’era, meaning “And [G-d] appeared” is the initial action that takes place before G-d reveals His “name.”  Why is this important?

  • Does G-d’s revelation have anything to do with the “four expressions of redemption?”

  • How does this relate to our lives today?

  • Come join us for Shabbat and let’s get into it!

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