15 Mar Society of Jewish Science Kabbalat Shabbat Hybrid Service 3/15/24 – 7:00pm (NEW TIME)
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Society of Jewish Science
Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, March 15, 2024 – 7:00PM (NEW TIME)
(Hybrid Service – in person/Zoom)
Parshah Pekudei 2024
This week’s Torah portion is Pekudei (Exodus 38:21) which means “amounts, to count, to list, and to pay attention to, or care for.” Initially the focus is on counting the amounts of various materials (such as gold, silver, and copper) donated by the Children of Israel for the construction of the Tabernacle (Mishkan). Also, the details of making the eight garments for the High Priests (the breastplate, crown, hat, cloak, apron, tunic, sash, and breeches).
Now that the Mishkan is completed, all of its components are brought to Moses and he assembles and anoints it with the holy anointing oil. Moses’s brother, Aaron and his four sons are initiated into the priesthood and a cloud appears over the Mishkan, representing the Divine Presence of the L-rd coming to dwell within it.
Does listing the materials to build and assemble the Tabernacle hearken back to another story in the Torah?
Is this the first time the Spirit of G-d is hovering and marking the beginning of His relationship with Humankind?
Come find out and join the discussion!