Society of Jewish Science 3/21/25 – Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 7pm – HYBRID

The Society of Jewish Science

Shabbat Service

Friday, 3/21/25 – 7:00PM

Hybrid Service (In person & on Zoom)

Parshah Vayakhel

The name of the Parshah, “Vayakhel,” means “And he assembled” and is found in Exodus 35:1. After G-d gives directives to Moses about observing Shabbat and building the Mishkan (Tabernacle), Moses assembles the people of Israel and reveals the instructions.  Moses asks that “whoever has a willing heart let them bring an offering to the L-rd.” (Exodus 35:5)  The people are very generous in their donations of precious metals, dyes, textiles, animal skins, wood, olive oil, herbs and precious stones. The people’s giving is so plentiful that Moses has to tell them to stop giving.

This week’s portion also recaps much of the past three Torah portions detailing the Mishkan’s chief builders, the furnishings, the ark and veil, the table with showbread, the menorah, olive oil, the incense and anointing oil; the altar for burnt offerings; the hangings, foundation and posts, the courtyard; and the basin and its pedestal.

  • This Torah portion begins with Moses “assembling” or “gathering” the people.  Why does the establishing of the Mishkan begin with this?

  • Why are there such specific instructions on how the people are to build and furnish the Mishkan?

  • What does having “a willing heart” have to do with “assembling” and “bringing an offering to the L-rd”?

  • Please join us and let’s get into it!

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