01 Mar Makor’s Society Kabbalat Shabbat Hybrid Service Friday night, March 1, 2024 – 6:30PM
Parsha Ki Tisa 2024
This week’s Parshah, “Ki Tisa,” (Exodus 30:11) means “When you take” referring to taking a census of the Children of Israel. The L-rd tells Moses that as the people are being counted, they are to each contribute a half shekel of silver to the Sanctuary, as atonement for their souls. Instructions are also given about the making of the Sanctuary’s water basin, anointing oil, and incense. G-d then reminds the people to keep Shabbat.
Moses, who ascended Mount Sinai, is late upon returning and the people become fearful and make a golden calf and to worship. G-d wants to destroy the Children of Israel for their idolatry, but Moses intercedes on their behalf. However, after descending from the mountain and seeing the people dancing and worshiping the idol, Moses throws down the tablets of the 10 commandments (breaking them), destroys the golden calf, and puts the core idolaters to death. At Moses’ insistence, G-d forgives the people but declares that this generation will not enter the Promised Land. Moses reascends the mountain and creates a new set of tablets and the covenant with G‑d is reinstated.
Why would G-d need to count the Children of Israel in a census?
What does money have to do with making atonement for our souls?
Does Jewish Science have any opinion to offer on this?
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