11 Jun Makor’s Jewish Science Shavuot Service Celebration – Tonight, 6/11/24 – 6:30PM – In person Service Only!
Posted at 10:43h
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Come join us this Tuesday evening, June 11th, at 6:30pm as we mark the beginning of the festival of Shavuot. This holiday marks the anniversary of the seven week period, after Passover, when we received the Torah on Mount Sinai. That is why Shavuot is also called Zeman Matan Torahteinu: The “Time of the Giving of Our Torah”.
The Torah also teaches us that there are three occasions where we are to go to the Temple in Jerusalem and “appear before the sovereign Lord.” (Shemot 34:32) These three occasions are called Pilgrimage festivals, are Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot. This is why we come together as a community to celebrate and study the Torah.
The Torah, which literally means instruction or teaching, guides us how we can have a covenantal relationship with God and experience a life of meaning, purpose, peace, joy, and love. We look forward to seeing you, learning together, discussing the Torah, and noshing cheesecake! This meeting is “in-person” ONLY.