This is the last portion of Bereshit (Genesis) called Vayechi (meaning “And he lived”). This concludes the story of Jacob, Joseph and his brothers. Prior to passing away, Jacob blesses and prophecies over his sons telling their future roles and qualities that will come forth from each tribe.
Once Jacob dies, Joseph’s brothers fear that he will seek revenge for selling Joseph into slavery. They remind Joseph that Jacob had asked him to forgive his brothers for their sin and the evil they did. Joseph’s brothers beg him for forgiveness saying, “Behold, we are your servants.” And Joseph tells them, “Fear not; for am I in the place of God?”
In this last portion of Bereshit, it appears that everything is coming to a beautiful conclusion with a happy ending. So why does fear reappear in the story? What role does fear have in our daily lives? What does Judaism and Jewish Science say about fear and how we can remove it as a force in our lives? Please join us and find out.
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