13 Dec Makor Center of Jewish Science Kabbalat Shabbat Hybrid Service (in person or on Zoom) Friday night, December 15, 2023 – 6:30PM
In this Friday night’s Torah portion, Miketz, we find that Joseph has been wrongfully imprisoned for 12 years. Miketz, meaning “at the end”, refers to the end of a 2 year period at which Pharaoh has two similar dreams and demands their interpretation. Joseph is rushed from prison to the Pharaoh after his cupbearer remembers Joseph’s prophetic gift of dream interpretation. Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams and recommends how to administer a solution to save Egypt and the surrounding nations. Due to his spiritual gift, and remaining faithful to G-d, Joseph is elevated to be viceroy over Egypt and carry out the plan that he had explained to Pharaoh.
Is it possible that the very gift of interpreting dreams that led to Joseph’s brothers hating him and selling him into slavery was the same gift that led to Joseph’s deliverance? Also, why did G-d allow Joseph to go through all of his suffering? What does Jewish Science say about why we experience suffering? Are there reasons or is it arbitrary? Please come and join in the discussion.
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