The Society of Jewish Science joins the New Synagogue of Long Island for Kabbalat Shabbat  Friday, 3/7/25 - 6:30PM   Hybrid Service (In person and on Zoom) Tonight's Kabbalat Shabbat Service will be given by Cantor Irene. Join Zoom Meeting Phone: +1 646.558.8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 876 4228 0592 Passcode: 850868 ...

This week’s Torah portion is “Metzora,” which is often mistranslated as “leper” and found in Leviticus Chapter 14.  We’re continuing with the teaching about people, clothing, and homes that are afflicted with tzara’at (a skin disease or infection).  Tzara’at is the physical result of a...

Society of Jewish Science Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, April 12, 2024 - 7:00PM (Hybrid Service - in person/Zoom) Parshah Tazria This week’s Torah portion Tazria, which means “conceives”, is found in Leviticus 12:1–13:59. Here we continue discussing the laws of “tumah v’taharah”, ritual impurity and purity. The parshah begins by explaining that...

Chag Sameach Pesach 5784 Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - 6:30PM (In person only)   Makor’s Society of Jewish Science Invites you to attend “A Taste of Israel” Passover Seder on the Second night of Passover, Tuesday evening, April 23rd, 2024 - 6:30 PM Limited seating RSVP to Light Dairy Foods will be served Please let us know...