Society of Jewish Science Kabbalat Shabbat 4/19/24 – 7pm

This week’s Torah portion is “Metzora,” which is often mistranslated as “leper” and found in Leviticus Chapter 14.  We’re continuing with the teaching about people, clothing, and homes that are afflicted with tzara’at (a skin disease or infection).  Tzara’at is the physical result of a spiritual malady that places individuals in a state of ritual impurity causing them to reside outside of the community. To regain spiritual purification, one must examine their speech and/or any arrogance, do teshuvah, and undergo a purification ritual with the High Priest involving two birds, spring water in an earthen vessel, a piece of cedar wood, a scarlet thread and a bundle of hyssop.

Last week’s portion of Tazria began with the impurity of childbirth and this portion ends by teaching how seminal or menstrual discharges can lead to ritual impurity requiring purification through immersion in a mikvah.

  • How does speech and/or arrogance relate to a spiritual affliction affecting a person’s skin, clothing, and home?
  • Is there any significance to ritual items used by the High Priest?
  • Does speech, arrogance, childbirth, and spiritual purification have anything to do with Passover?

Please come join us and let’s get into it!

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